This blog is made for assignment of our corse "New Information Technologies"

Monday, November 06, 2006

Different Types of blogs

How many types do blogs have?
I thought that I should know about how many different types of blog
as user of blog, so I searched and found about that.
And there are so many different types of blogs even I did not know before,
they seem similar to each other, but they are different!

Personal- The word blog is used to describe an online diary or journal, so in personal blogs people write their day-to-day experiences, complaints, poems, prose, illicit thoughts and more, often allowing others to contribute, fulfilling to a certain extent.

Thoughtful-Weblogs in the "thoughtful" category present an individual's (or a small group's) thoughts on whatever subject comes to hand.

FriendBlog-A FriendBlog is a distributed networked journal on the web, composed of short, frequently updated posts written by friends connected through their similar interests.

Topical-Topical blogs focus on a specific niche, often a technical one.

News-Many weblogs provide a news digest on a certain topic.

Collaborative (also collective or group)-Collaborative weblogs can be open to everyone or limited to a group of people. MetaFilter is an example of this type of weblog.

Political-Often an individual will link to articles from news web sites and post their own comments as well.

Legal-Blogs that discuss law and legal affairs are often referred to as blawgs.

Directory -Directory weblogs are useful for web-surfers because they often collect numerous web sites with interesting content in an easy to use and constantly updated format.

Media-Some blogs serve as media watchdogs, reporting on falsehoods or inconsistencies that are presented as facts in the mass media.

Corporate -Increasingly, employees of corporations are posting official or semi-official blogs about their work.

Advice-Many weblogs provide expert advice, such as Microsoft technical knowledge

Religious-some religious blogs show the public's points of view on various controversies both in religion and in politics, economics, and life in general.

Formats-Some weblogs specialise in particular forms of presentation, such as images, or videos, or on a particular theme, and acronyms have been developed for some of these, such as moblogs (for "mobile" blog).

Audio-One of the types of blog that has undergone rapid expansion since the year 2000 is the MP3 blog, which make audio files available to the user.

Photography-or a photoblog. The increasing ubiquity of digital cameras and broadband connections has made it ever easier to post and share photos on the web.

Video- A vlog, or videoblog, is a blog where video is included in blog posts.

See the original article


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