New Online Technologies are changing Journalism
-Blog, Blogging and bloggers-
It is a common that our lives have been hugely improved with the development into internet technology.
In the present, all people need only one finger to get information that they could have imagined in the past.
In addition, internet has created online-journalism and later, as online-journalism changed one-direction process, that only reports information, into reciprocal process, which allows every writer to be a reader and every reader to be writer, so they can share some information and opinions, has brought a new form, a new system of online-journalism - weblog or blog
And new word "blogshere" came to us.
Nowadays, as the birth of blog has changed people's life styles and taken an important part in our lives, the people who are doing it and its numbers keep growing more and more.
So, Steve Johnson calls that blog as "a mainstream" , and titled his article as “I blog, therefore I am”
However, the conflicts of opinions between people who think that blogging is one of journalism system and people who do not, is occurring more as the number of using blogs is growing and it has taken more places and interests that another online mass media had before.
According to Nick Madigan, she insists that bloggers are not journalist and wrote article based on report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, which found this past summer that only 5 percent of bloggers use news as their primary topic, and 37 percent of those surveyed cited their own life and experiences as primary fodder for their blogs, 11 percent said they blog regularly about politics and governments, 7 percent about entertainment, 6 percent about sports, and lesser fractions on business, technology and fait. So she argues that bloggers do not journalism, but they do blog just as a hobby and for their interests.
On the other hand, there are people, who think that blogging is one of journalism system, so they recommend useful information and tips, trying to keep blogs as a form of journalism.
Dan Gillmor and do not suggest that bloggers must follow same ethics codes journalists do, but recommends to have bloggers' code of ethics-"be honest and fair, minimize harm, be accountable" to achieve readers’ truth, and Dan Gillmor introduces 5 pillars of good journalism, which are useful way to approach ethical journalism : thoroughness, accuracy, fairness, transparency and independence.
Also, Vincent Maher gives 11 Tips for managing a Good Blog Entry. He considers blogergs as a community manager than a writer, and wants bloggers to follow them.
In conclusion, blogs have greatly developed worldwide human relationships and it provides abundant and valuable information in which people can easily and quick access.
As the central point in blogging is “conversation”, blogs have a lot of different voices, and that’s why most people like them.
Blogs are a technology, and journalism is a process. The process of journalism can use the technology of blogs to good effect, so we should not criticize them, and bloggers also should follow some ethical rights, in order to blogs be recognized as a form of online-journalism, so that we can make the batter online journalism culture.
Blogs have the power to bridge distance, politics, religion, and cultural differences, bringing people together from all walks of life all around the world.
Nick Madigan.(2006, July 23).Blogger ain’t journalistsivings. Retrieved from
Dan Gillmor.What ethics should bloggers have?Retrieved from Bloggers' Code of Ethics.Retrieved from
Vincent Maher. 11 Tips for managing a Good Blog Entry.Retrieved from