This blog is made for assignment of our corse "New Information Technologies"

Friday, November 24, 2006

My Bloglines list

Hello everyone~

Here is a
link to my Bloglines list of feeds.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

OhMyNews in Biz Problem

Moon Ih Lwan from reports
that South Korea - based web site OhMyNews,
one of the earliest and most successful online citizen media ventures,
is struggling financially.

“this site continues to look for a profitable business model and, after several years of small profits, is expected to lose money in 2006”

Also the author wrote about OhMyNews
in separate paragraphs which are titled “Korea-specific,” “Fans abroad,”
and “Blogging rivals, connecting with the business problem”

The article says“For the moment, though, the company remains long on idealism but short on a workable business strategy”

Friday, November 17, 2006

What’s the Most Significant Change across the blogosphere?

In this Zahmoo weblog post writen by Andrew Rixon, he shared over at
"What’s the Most Significant Change Across the Blogosphere?"
Over there you can see how Andrew is requesting from other webloggers
some input to explore the Most Significant Change across the blogosphere.

He asked webloggers to answer the following two questions:
a. Describe a story that epitomises the most significant change that has resulted
from your blogging.
b. Why was this story significant for you?

And here you can see other 19 people's opinion.

Then, what’s the most significant change that has resulted from my blogging?

Well,,, I started blogging in September 2004 and for me, it has changed my daily practice. When I did not do blog, I even did not have interests in doing internet but after knowing about blog, it helped to communicate with others and how deal with them when I am in “cyberworld” I started to be interested in writing, sharing my opinions with others and posting photos. Also blog gave the chance to make friends, so I have made some friends and have been able to keep friendships through blogging.
Now I almost everyday check my blog before checking e-mails. And maybe blogging got a part of my life.

Now what’s your Most Significant Change from your own weblogging?

Monday, November 13, 2006

How to write for the Web

Do you have any difficulties in writingonline articles?
Do you want to write good online articles?

Of couse, you may feel difficulties in writing online articles
because it has a few differences between writing traditional
news articles and online articles. And as the online writers
communicate with readers through their articles, they have
to write clear and conversational articles so that they can
communicate with readers more realitic.

The capable blogger easily engage many reders and makes
a productive conversation throgh comments posted to the blog.

"To write a great blog, write about what you know – your
passion, well researched and reported"
Apply some skills of a news columnist, crafting a personal, first-person voice
that readers can find not only useful information,
but also comfortable and honest in your posts.
And naver be afraid when you do not know something.
"Great bloggers see their posts as the first comment in a conversation,
rather than the final word on that particular topic"

"Wikis are the ultimate exercise in "writing by committee."
Avoid blogging's first person and blend your edits into the tone
and flow of the existing article.
Wikis, typically, are not the place for personal opinion and analysis.
Present the facts and acknowledge controversies in clear,
clean and neutral language"

Discussion boards
"Running a good discussion board is like hosting a radio talk show"
You should not ask "yes" or "no" questions.
Accept and understand peple's jokes or anecdotes, but bring the
conversation back on topic and do not let flame wars
erupt, that will make readers go away!

General Tips
*The shorter, the better
*Active voice
*Strong verbs
*Attribute sources
*Contextual hyperlinking
*Use formatting
-bold headers
*One topic per URL
*Easy to read
*Spell check

I hope these tips will help you to write "good articles that
will make your readers feel as comfortable reading as they
feel when talking with a close friend".

Friday, November 10, 2006

Famous and Inspirational Quotes on Success

Sometimes a few words, only one sentence

can encourage you in doing you best,

so I found some famous and inspirational quotes on success for you.

Here are several of them

Colin Powell: There are no secrets to success.

Indira Gandhi: There are two kinds of people, those who do the work
and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less
competition there.

Basil King: Victory becomes, to some degree, a state of mind. Knowing
ourselves superior to the anxieties, troubles, and worries which obsess
us, we are superior to them.

James E. Burke: We don't grow unless we take risks. Any successful
company is riddled with failures.

Ralph Half: When ability exceeds ambition, or ambition exceeds ability,
the likelihood of success is limited.

These are not all !
In here you can find more famous and inspirational Quotes on Success
or on other words.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Different Types of blogs

How many types do blogs have?
I thought that I should know about how many different types of blog
as user of blog, so I searched and found about that.
And there are so many different types of blogs even I did not know before,
they seem similar to each other, but they are different!

Personal- The word blog is used to describe an online diary or journal, so in personal blogs people write their day-to-day experiences, complaints, poems, prose, illicit thoughts and more, often allowing others to contribute, fulfilling to a certain extent.

Thoughtful-Weblogs in the "thoughtful" category present an individual's (or a small group's) thoughts on whatever subject comes to hand.

FriendBlog-A FriendBlog is a distributed networked journal on the web, composed of short, frequently updated posts written by friends connected through their similar interests.

Topical-Topical blogs focus on a specific niche, often a technical one.

News-Many weblogs provide a news digest on a certain topic.

Collaborative (also collective or group)-Collaborative weblogs can be open to everyone or limited to a group of people. MetaFilter is an example of this type of weblog.

Political-Often an individual will link to articles from news web sites and post their own comments as well.

Legal-Blogs that discuss law and legal affairs are often referred to as blawgs.

Directory -Directory weblogs are useful for web-surfers because they often collect numerous web sites with interesting content in an easy to use and constantly updated format.

Media-Some blogs serve as media watchdogs, reporting on falsehoods or inconsistencies that are presented as facts in the mass media.

Corporate -Increasingly, employees of corporations are posting official or semi-official blogs about their work.

Advice-Many weblogs provide expert advice, such as Microsoft technical knowledge

Religious-some religious blogs show the public's points of view on various controversies both in religion and in politics, economics, and life in general.

Formats-Some weblogs specialise in particular forms of presentation, such as images, or videos, or on a particular theme, and acronyms have been developed for some of these, such as moblogs (for "mobile" blog).

Audio-One of the types of blog that has undergone rapid expansion since the year 2000 is the MP3 blog, which make audio files available to the user.

Photography-or a photoblog. The increasing ubiquity of digital cameras and broadband connections has made it ever easier to post and share photos on the web.

Video- A vlog, or videoblog, is a blog where video is included in blog posts.

See the original article

Friday, November 03, 2006

South Korean Presidential office's weblog

Chong Wa Dae (known as The Blue House,
the South Korean equivalent of The White House) has opened its own blog
as part of efforts to “facilitate communication with the people”

The Korea Times
reports that the blog, named
“President’s Thoughts These Days,’’ was opened across three main blog providers,
on Naver, Daum and Paran on Jan, 2006 .

“We will try to get various information and news of the presidential office out to the Internet users through this Chong Wa Dae Blog, along with the official homepage of Chong Wa Dae,’’

These Weblogs have various bulletin boards: “president’s memo”, “photos on current affairs”, “netizen’s colum ” and etc.

President should know and pay attention about citizen’s opinion on his affairs, so I think it is one of good ways to know people’s opinion and suggestions.

And It will be very useful if they create weblog in English version for foreigners, to share people’s opinions from other countries.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Future of Weblogs

There are some interesting articles about future of weblogs,
althought they are not latest:

Nico Macdonald reports, about the future of Weblogging,
and about her prediction.

Here is Glenn Harlan Reynold's analysis of blogs and blogosphere.
“…Over the next few years, blogs will grow both more and less significant. They'll grow more significant because more people will be reading them, and -- at least as important -- more people will be writing …”

Dave Pollard provides an thought on the future of blogging to 2010. It is interesting to consider the path of blogging in the future.

Read them and also think about the future of weblogs by yourself!